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Todd Gydesen
NMLS # 89835
(503) 312-4686
Simply fill out this form to run a customized search and instantly receive detailed product and pricing based on your unique scenario.
Green figures are a Lender Rebate
(credit to you)
based off a % of the loan amount.
Red figures are an optional Discount
(cost to you)
based off a % of the loan amount.
Rates shown are just a small example
of what’s currently available.
Contact us directly to request
additional rates and options.
Rates are subject to change. This pricing engine reflects the most favorable results after comparing our network of wholesale lending partners. This pricing engine does not include any other applicable 3rd party title and escrow charges, appraisal, credit report, or prepaid tax and insurance reserves. The displayed annual percentage rates (APRs) include total points and additional prepaid finance charges but do not include other closing costs. Loan pricing may only be locked through a VMB home loan consultant to be effective after a formal loan application. Rates will depend in part on your unique credit history and transaction characteristics. Monthly payments include principal, interest, and PMI if applicable, but do not taxes and insurance. *The 10/6 ARM is tied to the SOFR index and fixed for the first initial 10 years. After the initial 10 year fixed period the rate will adjust (up or down) every 6 months on the SOFR 30-day average with a fixed margin of 3.0 and a lifetime cap of 5% above the initial note rate. This is not a formal Loan Estimate (LE). A Loan Estimate is provided and can be requested pursuant to Federal regulations and with a formal loan application. This information does not constitute a loan commitment or approval.